

EndNote Click - Formerly Kopernio
Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers.

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Avast Online Security & Privacy
Avast Browser Security and Web Reputation Plugin.

Microsoft Power Automate (Legacy)
Add-on for enabling web automation. This web extension is compatible with Power Automate for desktop version 2.26 or earlier.

Microsoft Power Automate
Add-on for enabling web automation. This web extension is compatible with Power Automate for desktop version 2.27 or later.

ICBC Chrome Extension from Tendyron
Chrome Extension of ICBC Internet Banking for tendyron USB-Shield.


一站式划词 / 截图 / 网页全文 / 音视频翻译扩展,支持谷歌、DeepL、ChatGPT、百度等 9 个国内外主流翻译服务,均可用于全文翻译。能在 PDF 里使用。

Vue.js devtools
Browser DevTools extension for debugging Vue.js applications.

Video Speed Controller
Speed up, slow down, advance and rewind HTML5 audio/video with shortcuts

Steep and Cheap Countdown Timer
Steep and Cheap sells outdoor gear one screamin'(50-80% off) deal at a time until time runs out. (steepandcheap.com)

Media Hint
Use the Media Hint service to access the content you need on the internet.

Advanced Eyedropper, Color Picker, Gradient Generator and other colorful goodies

IP Domain Country Flag
Shows country flag and other IP / domain information in the location bar.

Keepa - Amazon Price Tracker
Adds price history charts and the option to be alerted on price drops to all Amazon sites.

Cloudy Calculator
A shockingly versatile calculator for Chrome. (Formerly Chromey Calculator)

IE Tab
Display web pages using IE within Chrome. Use Java, Silverlight, ActiveX, Sharepoint, and more.

SEOquake is a free plugin that provides you with key SEO metrics, along with other useful tools such as SEO Audit and many others

TinEye Reverse Image Search
This is the official TinEye Chrome extension. Find out where an image came from, how it's used, or find higher resolution versions.

iGive Button
Turn shopping, searching, and bookmarking into free donations for your charity.

User-Agent Switcher
Switches User-Agent strings to mimic, spoof or fake other browsers or bots.

Short links and QR Codes Create short, powerful links and QR Codes and share them with the world.


LastPass: Free Password Manager
LastPass, an award-winning password manager, saves your passwords and gives you secure access from every computer and mobile device.

Tab Manager Plus for Chrome
Quickly find open tabs, see all windows in one view, find duplicates and limit tabs per window. The best Tab Manager for Chrome.